Love test (okej, det här börjar gå för långt...)

Personality Analysis

Your personality, Elin:

You have some superficial standards about the man in your life. You insist that your partner be squeaky clean and practical and goal oriented. Your standards are set quite high and therefore it usually takes you longer to find someone that you feel is worthy to commit to. You do tend to marry late in life and only if the right knight in shining armor comes along. You are an excellent housekeeper, a strict parent and a good companion. You are attractive well into your middle years and often attract more men as you age.

Zodiacal match-ups for you are not the easiest due to your critical analytical nature.

Amish's personality:

You need to be mentally intrigued before you will make your move on a perspective mate. Mind contact is a necessity for sexual fulfillment. You are generous, open and sincere to those you care about. You like to get involved in your mates' interests. You will search for answers and the truth in any relationship. You are somewhat shy and will often wait for someone else to make the first move. You can't live within a relationship that is domineering or restrictive in any way. Although you appear to be cool outwardly, you are really quite emotional and tender. When it comes to sexual encounters you are very imaginative, however, you also are a dreamer of erotic fantasies. You will look for a partner who is willing to satisfy your relentless pursuit of intense sexual experiences. You fall in love quickly but you are also hesitant to commit completely to anyone.

You tend to match up to most signs in a friendly manner, but when it comes to love some signs are better than others.

Astrological Compatibility An

Virgo (earth sign)

24 August - 23 September

The sign of the virgin. Typical Virgos are supposed to be pure wholesome and good, but this is not always the case. Be sure for every 1 true virgo, there are 3 who should have been a leo. A place for everything and everything in its place, that is the organized life of the virgo in a nut shell. Virgo are very industrious and enjoy dissecting large quantities of information and analyzing it.

Aquarius (air sign)

21 January - 19 February

The sign of the water-bearer. Aquarians are very friendly people, great conversationalists and thinkers. They are regularly involved in some kind of intellectual study or debate, but never really let on to others how well informed they really are. Because of this they are unpredictable and full of surprises, you can never tell what an Aquarian will do next.

Virgo & Aquarius

This is a far more mental then physical connection. You rule the lower mind and the Water-bearer the higher mind. This is an intellectual union that is likely to be lasting.

Aquarius & Virgo

You are both into the intellect, however you might be a little bit too progressive for the practical Virgoan. Virgo's are just not social enough to hang on to you or hold your interest.



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